With all the problems going on right now in our own country, it is hard to think about our own welfare getting any better, let alone on a world level. How can we help other countries with their problems if we can’t even fix our own? I think we need to take care of ourselves before we can take care of others. Not in a selfish way at all. But come on people, how many trillions of dollars are we in debt? How much money do we give in aid, to just get it used against us in the end. How much aid have we ever been given? We should know by now and past history that "no good deed goes unpunished." America loves to live by that motto.
With the recent Fannie Mae, AIG and stock market catastrophes, among a long list of other problems. We are experiencing an economic disaster. As if you haven’t already been aware of that. It is possibly becoming the worst financial and economic crisis our country has ever seen, worse than the Great Depression. From rise in price of consumer goods to people losing their jobs left and right. The economic state that we are in is causing horrible outcomes and consequences. Foreclosures, bankruptcies, unemployment, poverty, and even suicide are all steadily increasing.
Our own corporations and government are corrupt and hurting our fellow citizens. If our own corporate CEO’s and "big wigs" are screwing their employees. They don’t care that they are ruining many lives and taking away from families. Everyone is out for their own good and greed. We are like animals fighting for dominance. It’s a jungle out there and we have to fend for ourselves. It’s hard to trust anyone and few truly care about others. Always watching our back and preparing for the worse is what we have to do to survive. Aren’t we suppose to help each other for the common good? But in reality most just care about themselves. It is all about the bigger picture: money. Go against everything we believe for that extra buck. When times are tough can you really blame us? If we as a country can’t take care of our own people, how can we expect to take care of other countries? We need to solve our own problems before we can go out and "save the world."
World peace can’t be achieved in a day, a year or even a lifetime. Realistically possibly never, especially the way things are going now. But we can at least hope and strive for it. Seems like things should be getting better, with all the technological improvements, research, and such. But from what I see, I beg to differ.
Morale is especially low right now and we have no faith in our country during these hard times we’re facing. If we’re not healthy ourselves, it’s hard to help others. Make it happen, do your part to help in whatever way you can, big or small it all adds up in the end. This may sound like a long shot and unrealistic, but I believe to help people on a greater scale, we have to begin on a small scale. As simple as achieving peace at home with your family, peace at school and work. It is a domino affect that will spread. Only when we can better ourselves, can we better others and better society, our country as a whole and the world. We’re all in this together! "Think globally, act locally."
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