Poetry, articles, columns, opinion pieces, etc.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Not a day goes by that I dont wish you were by my side,
but sometimes things get too complicated and I just want to run away and hide.
Youre more to me than just a boring date,
maybe even a loyal mate.
I enjoy all the time we spend together,
and hopefully it can last forever.
You seem different from all the other guys,
I never want to have to say our goodbyes.
I can share my feelings with you, unlike the rest,
and thats what truly makes you the best.
I thought we really had something, all was going well,
then my heart was broken and I felt like hell.
I stayed up in bed,
and cried from what you said.
But its better that you didnt lie,
than to never know before I die.
My trust and respect for you went down,
then I remembered our nights on the town.
I want so hard to give you a second chance,
and everything to be as good as it was with our first dance.
I think about you all the time,
and this is the end of my poetry rhyme.

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