Poetry, articles, columns, opinion pieces, etc.

Monday, March 30, 2009

True to the Core

A common man in stature, with a smile to lure you in and an aura to keep you longing for more. The first impression of him may come off as a bit sarcastic and harsh but don let his brutally honest personality hide the true, kind-hearted individual he is. In just a short conversation with him, you will soon find that his priorities in life lie in his family and friends. The ones he surrounds himself with are the ones he would do anything for. It is easy to instantly feel comfortable around
him and see that he is truly genuine. He possesses a fun, loving attitude that is impossible to not get along with. He can make you laugh with his clever jokes and witty, often dirty remarks. Whether you are laughing with him or at him, you can help but love him. He makes it interesting and there is never a dull moment that won entice you to decipher this amiable character. Especially if he has his boots on, anything is possible and you better watch out. He just might get a little feisty and aggressive on you, but it all in good, lovable fun.

Just from the experiences he tells, the conversations he has and the influence of being around him, you l see that he enjoys the little things life offers. Like the fond memories he has of Thanksgiving dinners and family celebrations that brought everyone together as one, to the more common weekends of 4-wheeling with his buddies on the long, hot summer days, working on his truck, fishing and barbeques. These are the events that fill his body with excitement and his mouth with stories. These simple pleasures are what bring him the most enjoyment and happiness. This is what he lives for, what he is all about and shows the kind of guy he is. He doesn care much about the latest product on the market or the celebrity craze but rather about how your mom is doing. As long as he is around the ones he loves, he doesn need anything else. He is easy to please, simple in needs and wants. Give him some good ol country music, some friends to kick back and relax with, a few cold ones to throw down and he living the life. It not about how many friends he has, but the quality of lifelong, true friends he is blessed with. He is the kind of friend that everyone searches for, always willing to give an extra hand, useful advice and an ear to listen. The whole package, we all want a piece of.

While his personality is easy-going and exhilarating, he still gets the job done. He understands that it takes hard work to be successful. More than the work itself, he has to feel a sense of accomplishment. He doesn want anything handed to him and has earned everything he has.
Far from the southern California ways he was born in, living in Oklahoma is where his heart belongs and where he is proud to call home. Never really feeling the need to stray far from the comfort he has found, where he has everything and everyone he will ever need to live his life, his way. No world class traveling, pricey luxuries or big fame and fortune can make up for or subdue where his journey has brought him. He is happy with where he is, who he has and what he has. His travels have lead him back and forth and all around, but always for a good reason; family. Leaving his lifestyle to be closer to his sick grandma, shows just one way in which he values family above all else. It is these traits and morals that have been passed down to create the person he has become and will be continued into a family of his own.

He is very humble, which is shown by the way he regards the battle for his life he survived as a young boy, where his guardian angels were on his side. A near death experience that would cause most of us to live it forever and possibly feel sorry for ourselves. He would never use the accident as an easy way out or an excuse, which so many would take advantage of. Rather he uses it as an inspiration that he was meant to do more, get more out of life.

He has the mentality to always be honest in every situation and with everyone. This proves to be a hard trait to come by these days, with so many superficial people that care more about jeopardizing their own image than being truthful to others. He is willing to take the risk if it ultimately means helping someone out. You will never have to worry about him holding anything from you, lying or avoiding a problem, he will always tell you how it is and how he feels, whether or not it what you wanted to hear. He won cherry coat the truth either. This can be rude or offensive at first but actually shows that he is real. To sum it up; he rather be hated for who he is, than loved for who he not. He is what he is and always will be. I wouldn say he is completely stuck in his ways, but rather knows what he wants and how to get it. He won undermine new experiences or others opinions until he tries it and gives everything and everyone a fair chance. It is just another characteristic added to the list that makes him such a great friend and a genuine person.

It is easy for some to say, they would give the shirt off their back or give their life for the ones they love, but this holds true with him. He is a giver by nature and would never expect or want anything in return. He is modest and never does it for the recognition or to blow his own horn, but because he truly cares. He rather take the blame or cover the bar tab than jeopardize a friendship or relationship with those close to him.

This is Shaun Henry Welch, true to the core. A good friend, an honest person and a caring individual. Someone I am proud to call my boyfriend and lucky to have in my life.

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